
English Therapy Case Study

The English Therapy project aims to develop a comprehensive backend admin panel to facilitate the management of an educational institution's administrative tasks. The system will provide functionalities for handling student admissions, financial accounts, team management, student records, analysis, and settings configuration.

After successfully serving their community, English Therapy set a goal to create a backend admin panel to manage an educational institution's administrative tasks. With this in mind, they approached Qtec Solution Limited to develop the backend admin panel, enabling them to serve the neighborhood's management with short turnaround times efficiently.


Client Requirements

Sign Up & Login:

This feature allows users to create accounts, providing necessary information such as username, email, and password, enabling access to the platform's features and services.

Student Admission :

A comprehensive admission module that captures detailed information about each student, including personal details, academic background, and contact information. The system should also support document uploads for admission forms and other necessary paperwork.

Student Results Management

A module that allows for the input, storage, and analysis of student grades and performance metrics. This includes tools for generating report cards, tracking academic progress over time, and identifying areas where students may need additional support.

SMS Notification System:

An integrated SMS system that can send automated notifications for important events such as admission confirmations, exam schedules, results announcements, and fee reminders. The system should allow for the customization of messages and the scheduling of notifications.


Key features

Homework Assignment Management

A module that enables teachers to assign homework to students, track submission status, and provide feedback. The system should support attachments for homework assignments and allow students to submit their work digitally.


A financial module that handles various accounting tasks, including fee collection, expense tracking, and financial reporting. This module should provide detailed financial statements, support multiple payment methods, and integrate with external accounting software if needed.

Team Management

A human resources module that maintains records of all staff members, including their personal details, employment history, and performance evaluations. The system should also support scheduling, payroll management, and leave tracking.

Settings Configuration

An administrative panel that allows for the configuration of various system settings, including user roles and permissions, notification preferences, and system-wide parameters. This feature ensures that the system can be adapted to meet specific operational requirements.

Student Management

The system features a searchable and sortable Student List for quick access to student information and supports bulk actions like messaging and record updates. It also includes a Student History section, detailing academic records, attendance, and disciplinary actions, easily accessible for authorized users. Additionally, Analysis tools are provided to identify trends and generate insights through performance analytics, attendance tracking, and behavioral analysis, aiding in data-driven decision-making.

How we build it?

To build this system, we'll need a team of developers skilled in web development, database management, and user interface design. The development process will involve:

Requirement Gathering: Understand client needs in detail, including workflows, user roles, and system integrations.

System Design: Create a comprehensive system architecture and database schema to support all required features.

Development: Implement the system using appropriate technologies and frameworks, ensuring scalability, security, and usability.

Testing: Conduct thorough testing to identify and fix any bugs or issues, ensuring the system functions as intended.

Deployment: Roll out the system to the production environment, ensuring a smooth transition and minimal downtime.

Training & Support: Provide training to users on how to use the system effectively, and offer ongoing support and maintenance as needed.
