The client requested an e-commerce platform(Backend, frontend, and mobile application) with amazing UI/UX design. With many requirements from our clients, some were significant. Qtec Solution limited was the suitable choice to fulfill all of the consequential requirements. The client wanted to have a user-friendly UI/UX design. Another request was to integrate a brand promoter feature. Paperfly integration was a very significant requirement. The platform must be mobile-responsive. The client wished to have a completely advanced accounting system. They also wanted a multi-vendor feature. Like any other e-commerce platform, the client wanted a coupon system for their platform. The Qtec Solution Team did a great job while developing this e-commerce platform. They fulfilled all the requirements with pixel-perfect design.
The Dxmart platform was developed with a multi-vendor feature. With this feature, different vendors can sell their products through this e-commerce platform. This platform act as a selling point for retailers.
Brand Promoter is another feature that has made this platform unique and top-notch. With this feature, retailers can promote the brand while selling products.
Dxmart has three different coupon systems. One is category wise where the coupon is applicable for a selected category. A general coupon is applicable to all products. Product-wise coupons can be used for a specified product.
Paperfly API was integrated into this platform. Due to this the whole delivery system has become automated and easy. When orders are placed, Paperfly gets a notification and the whole delivery system is handled automatically.
Dxmart's website is developed in a mobile-friendly way. People can browse this e-commerce website from any device without any hassle. As a result, the conversion rate of websites gets higher.
A complete advanced accounting system was integrated into the Dxmart platform. All the transactions from customers, sales, revenue, profit, and all other types of statements can be handled easily. Stock management and reports are also included in this system.
The Qtec Solution Limited team developed MVP(Minimum Viable Product) by integrating add-to-cart and placing order options into this e-commerce platform. The team worked passionately to develop all the features. They integrated some unique features such as a brand promoter, Paperfly API, and an advanced accounting system. The platform was designed in a mobile-friendly way. Excellent UI/UX design was developed by our team. Other features such as multi-vendor, coupon system, etc are also integrated while following pixel-perfect design. This platform was developed under the Agile Software Development Methodology.
Amazon Web Services (AWS) is the world’s most widespread and largely adopted cloud platform. It is a subsidiary of Amazon. AWS is a mixture of infrastructure as a service, platform as a service and packaged software as a service offerings. It can offer organization tools such as compute power, database storage and content delivery services.
REST API(Application Programming Interface) is an interface that two computer systems use so that information can be exchanged over the internet securely. In order to perform many tasks most business applications have to communicate with other internal and third party applications. REST API supports this information exchange because they follow secure, reliable and efficient software communication standards.
Flutter is an open-source UI software development kit created by Google. It is used to develop cross platform applications for Android, iOS, Linux, macOS, Windows, Google Fuchsia, and the web from a single codebase. First described in 2015, Flutter was released in May 2017.
Android is a mobile operating system which was developed by Google. It is designed for touchscreen mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets. The Android Operating System(OS) is based on the Linux Kernel. It is open source. For each phone the operating system can be customized by the developers. Developers can create Programs for Android using the free Android software developer kit.
PostgreSQL is the world’s most advanced open source relational database. It has gained a dynamic reputation for credibility, performance and features with over 30 years of active development. Both SQL and JSON queries are supported by PostgreSQL. For many web applications PostgreSQL is used as the primary database. As well as for mobile and analytics applications.
Django is a high-level Python web framework that promotes rapid development and clean, pragmatic design. It follows the MVC (Model-View-Controller) pattern, provides built-in security features, and includes tools for database management, authentication, and scalability. Designed for efficiency, Django helps developers build robust and scalable web applications quickly.
Vue.js is a javascript framework developers mainly use to create interactive user interfaces. This framework is lighter and more adaptable. Which is why many developers from beginners to experts prefer it. Vue.js can be applied to both desktop and mobile app development.